Sunday 13 May 2012

Veron's 21st!

So! T'was dear Veron's 21st birthday celebration at Chevron's yesterday. My dear primary school friend is finally 21! It's been ages since I last saw her, think it had been almost half a year? She's changed so much since primary school (like duh) so pretty now!!! 

So, I got ready and headed to PS with Sywell to get materials to make a birthday card for Veron. 
Had made card yo! :D
This is me after getting ready. Second time putting on eye liner. heh.

took a few pictures while waiting for bus and koi...

It took us 1 hour to get the things we needed, and another 45mins to queue and pay for the things. A long wait indeed.
Of course, more cam-whoring to kill time while queuing!

Then... off to make the card!!!
I took off my ring when making the card.. and i actually forgot to put it back on!!!
Officially lost my fav ring T.T

 Taaa-daaah!! This is the final product! OH! we bought a couple mug for Veron & Zen too!!

Took us 30mins to chiong out the card.
Surprised and pleased with how the card turned out.! :DD 

We reached Chevron quite late, but just in time for the cake cutting!! lucky us.
Saw Felicia, Xin Yu, Su Shan and Karen there too! Been like 9 years since I saw them (except Karen), which is like after PSLE? HAHA. 
Oh how everyone has changed!! All so pretty now!!! 
I had fun meeting up and talking with them about primary school stuffs and catching up on our lives now... Meet up soon yeah?? :DD
And to end it off, Here's a picture of the group of us (without the b'day girl though)!

And! I'm off to bed! Goodnight :))

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