Monday 21 May 2012

How time passes and it's already 6 weeks into the school term. :(
So many deadlines to meet, countless viva exams to study for... and last but not least Final Year Project.
I have never ever felt soooo stressed in my entire life. Not even 'A" levels made me this stressed. Hmph. And teachers say JC is the most stressful time. Bull!

Anyways, went out with the pretty babes and ugly dudes last friday night. As usual, most of them were uber LATE! We were supposed to meet at 6.30pm at city hall, BUT da jie was late for an hour, DP late for an hour and a half... tsk. 
We had to queue for astons for half an hour to get a seat. And when the food finally came, da jie's chicken was half cooked -.- how nice. Obviously we had to get it changed right? So, the nice waitress went and got the food changed and all..thanks! :D

After dinner, well.. the fatty and da jie were arguing whether Bayfront station leads to MBS. So, fatty got us to walk all the way from suntec to MBS, where we met up with lippy. After tt, lepak around MBS for almost 2++ hours. LOL. 
Being the super noobie, I didn't know there was actually 'water shows". HAHA. that totally fascinated me. There were lasers and TONS OF BUBBLES!! then it dawn on me that I FORGOT TO BRING MY CAMERA! T.T

Only managed to get my hands on 1 picture which was taken from eileen's phone.
Not bad a quality I must say.. HAHA.

Well, lepak at MBS then we headed back to suntec cuz dp's car was parked there.. then fatty wanted to go for round 2 (tao huay) at rochor. then round 3 at salted caramel. fat die him. LOL.. 
By the time I reached home, it was like what, 2am? 
Well, that's just how a typical friday night for me, hanging with the gang and all. That helps to release some of the stress built up throughout the week. HEHE.

That's all I have for now, will blog again soon! :))

Sunday 13 May 2012

Veron's 21st!

So! T'was dear Veron's 21st birthday celebration at Chevron's yesterday. My dear primary school friend is finally 21! It's been ages since I last saw her, think it had been almost half a year? She's changed so much since primary school (like duh) so pretty now!!! 

So, I got ready and headed to PS with Sywell to get materials to make a birthday card for Veron. 
Had made card yo! :D
This is me after getting ready. Second time putting on eye liner. heh.

took a few pictures while waiting for bus and koi...

It took us 1 hour to get the things we needed, and another 45mins to queue and pay for the things. A long wait indeed.
Of course, more cam-whoring to kill time while queuing!

Then... off to make the card!!!
I took off my ring when making the card.. and i actually forgot to put it back on!!!
Officially lost my fav ring T.T

 Taaa-daaah!! This is the final product! OH! we bought a couple mug for Veron & Zen too!!

Took us 30mins to chiong out the card.
Surprised and pleased with how the card turned out.! :DD 

We reached Chevron quite late, but just in time for the cake cutting!! lucky us.
Saw Felicia, Xin Yu, Su Shan and Karen there too! Been like 9 years since I saw them (except Karen), which is like after PSLE? HAHA. 
Oh how everyone has changed!! All so pretty now!!! 
I had fun meeting up and talking with them about primary school stuffs and catching up on our lives now... Meet up soon yeah?? :DD
And to end it off, Here's a picture of the group of us (without the b'day girl though)!

And! I'm off to bed! Goodnight :))

Fickle me.!

So! being the oh-so-fickle ME. I've decided to change back to using blogger simply cuz this noob here doesn't really know how to use wordpress. LOL.
Hopefully I'll be more consistent here than at wordpress.. hehe.
Just saying hopefully only.. cuz being me, chances are that i'll only blog when i have the need to rant. not that i'm always angsty though.

Think i'll update on Saturday via another post just trying to make the blog look less empty. haha.